The New Generation Scholarship program is designed to serve families in financial need in our community, making excellence in the performing arts accessible to everyone. The purpose of the program is to enable families and individuals to make wise financial decisions for their entire family unit, including extracurricular activities.
Please read the terms and conditions of the scholarship program before applying.
Terms and Conditions:
If your application is approved, after your initial interview, you will be asked to come in for an interview each semester you are on the scholarship program. This will prevent you from having to reapply with each new semester. Dishonesty on applications is not tolerated and will disqualify an applicant from receiving a scholarship. All New Generation Scholarships, including: full ride, work trade, or discounted rate scholarships are NOT prorated, do NOT include registration, audition, production or costume fees. Failure to make payments on your approved scholarship tuition rate, follow through with work trade agreements or failure to attend scheduled interviews, results in the loss of the scholarship. Reverent Rhythms' primary means of communication is by email. All communication about scholarships will be through email. Scholarshipped students are responsible for acquiring and maintaining the proper dress code as outlined on Reverent Rhythms website.
Attendance Policy:
If a student receiving a scholarship is absent and or tardy for more than three classes (except for in the case of a family emergency) their scholarship will be revoked. Tardy is considered arriving anytime after the scheduled class time. For example, if the students' class starts at 4:30pm they are expected to arrive, be in their class attire and ready to start class at 4:29!